So, how much money do I save by using reusable products?

I wanted to put this list together for you to help show how much money you can save by being good to the environment!

I’m sure this list will be helpful to those who are students, not long graduated, or in a difficult financial situation, this will save you money!

It’s a win-win situation, you’re doing your bit to help save the planet whilst also saving some coins, plus you can help independent/new businesses with the consumer options you have out there.

The major problems are the little things that build up, make-up wipes aren’t biodegradable and end up piling up on beaches, millions of plastic bottles can float around the ocean for 200 years, plastic straws can cause direct painful impacts to wildlife.

Going down the path of using reusable products is the best way to go, if everyone started using reusable products, think of how much space would be saved, how much more money people would have, and how much better the environment will be. There is a very good point on how plastic pollution has got to today’s crisis; ‘”I’ll only use this one straw”, said a million people’, and there you go, a million straws used for a few minutes that don’t decompose for over 100 years. But, lets see a more positive way of viewing this point, ‘”I can reuse my metal straw for 10 years”, said a million people’, now that’s a million straws not in the ocean, and not in the ocean for 10 years, that’s 10,000,000 straws away from the environment! This can be applied to all of the many reusable things we can buy, especially things like wet wipes, carrier bags, and bottled water.

This is a break down of how much I spent on products, that would often be disposed of very quickly. That is then compared to how much I have spent on products that do the same job (if not better) and are reusable, also showing how much I have saved.

Money spent on disposable products: Overall spending £387.88 a year. 

disposable spending
This shows a rough estimate of how much I spent each year, I thought back to when I used these products and how often I had to buy more due to them running out of the packet.

Once you add it all up and are able to visually understand how much it all adds up, it’s shocking! I couldn’t believe over £300 went to things like this, things that are barely present in my time and so quickly gone.

Below is the amount I have spent on reusable products, again this is an estimate, especially for how long some of the products last. I have tried to come up with a realistic estimate of how long the product will last.

Money spent on reusable products: Overall spending last year £50.98.

reusable spending
This shows a rough estimate of how long these products last, but this does show how much I spent and how long my spending should last.

The difference is unmissable! Last year I spent a little over £50 on products I can reuse, but the amount of time (being whole years) these products last needs to be noted. Technically I’m not having to spend that money again for (possibly) 5 years! Even the dish cloths and the bamboo dish washing brush are products I don’t have to worry about buying again for another 2-3 years, even then me guessing 2 years is probably underestimating how long the product can last.

I save more than £300 a year by using reusable products, whilst also preventing huge amounts of disposable plastic harming the environment, on top of that is less energy being consumed, for every bottled water there is a factory making all of those plastic bottles.

I will soon post a list of the products I have bought, with links to online stores, reviews on those products, and tips on where you can get these goodies whilst not spending loads of money!

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